Project 3

1. What did you learn?
With this project, I learned more about making patterns in a 2D space, specifically with Adobe Illustrator. I wasn’t familiar with Illustrator before, so this was definitely a completely new experience. I also learned about the difference between bitmap graphics and vector graphics, something that I admittedly didn’t know much about before this project.
2. What was easy?

Surprisingly, the pen tool seemed easier this time. While still a little frustrating, I found the exercise with learning about the pen tool helpful. I definitely still need more improvement with it, but I found myself enjoying myself when using it, instead of disliking and dreading it.
3. What was challenging?

The most challenging part for me was making the pattern. I don’t know why, but when I was using the spiral tool, I found myself getting frustrated when trying to make it look good. Every spiral I made seemed out of place, even when I moved them/modified them. Eventually, I settled on a cow-print pattern. It eased some frustration.
4. How could your submission be improved?

My submission could be improved much more if I had a better logo. I wish I went around and “redrew” the cow from the original Byrne Dairy logo. I think then my little carton would less bare. After construction the carton, I noticed some of my text had been hyphenated, making it look super unprofessional and clunky. That could also be improved.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?

The assignment could be improved for the next class by maybe giving a copy/paste description for the carton. To be completely honest, coming up with one was the only non-Illustrator aspect I had difficulty with. Maybe I’m just no good at coming up with creative “about us” stories. All other aspects of this were enjoyable, and I would do it again for practice.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

The new knowledge I gained about vector graphics and the importance they have on logos is some that I think will stick with me forever. Vector graphics being used for logos is a piece of knowledge I can see myself needing in future work scenarios, when deciding between a bitmap and a vector program. Additionally, creating patterns is something I can see having importance in work scenarios.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
I used this tutorial to help me when I forgot something about the pen tool. Using this helped me with attempting to create a realistic looking cow-print background. It reinforced some of the concepts we’d learned in previous labs, too.