1. What did you learn?
I learned how to use techniques that were demonstrated in lab four to create a design of my own in project two. For example, I learned how to create a pattern using an image, and because I had this knowledge, I was able to create my own pattern out of words where I wrote “Winter Essentials.” I used the rectangular marquee tool to select the three different color variations of the phrase “Winter Essentials” and clicked “Edit” then “Define Pattern” to create a pattern that I could use as my background for this project. I learned the concepts that were required to be demonstrated in this project such as copying and pasting three images from project one, scaling images to fit using the “Free Transform” feature, creating textures like clouds to make backgrounds, using pictures to create patterns, using layer masks combined with gradients or the brush tool to either hide or reveal my images, repositioning, layer modes, and adjustment layers.
2. What was easy?
I found the project to be relatively easy to complete. In particular, I found that creating the cloud background was simple after I chose my desired background and foreground colors. I liked that I was able to use the eyedropper tool to get the exact color I wanted to fill in the outline I had made of the gloves with the pen tool. I also found it easy to copy and paste the three images that I wanted to use for this project into the project two Photoshop file, with the “Free Transform” feature allowing me to scale them to the size that I desired. I found that the brush tool was very convenient when I was using it with a layer mask to hide some parts of my images. I liked that there were many different options of brushes to use, depending on the effect that I was looking for. In this case, I used the soft brush tool to erase some of the snow background. I wanted to make sure there was a subtle background with the snow surrounding all three images. I found repositioning, the layer modes, and the adjustment layers to be straightforward and simple to use as well.
3. What was challenging?
I found that creating the background for “Winter Essentials” was challenging because when I used the rectangle marquee tool to select the text that I wanted, it ended up cutting off part of the text. It took many tries, but I was eventually able to find the right amount of space to keep between the text and the selection I was making. I also found that when I used layer masks combined with gradients, it was a little bit difficult to get the exact angle that I was going for. I thought that creating the two-toned gloves was challenging. I used the pen tool to create the outline of the gloves, but it was filling in parts of the glove that I did not want to be filled in.
4. How could your submission be improved?
I think that my submission could be improved by playing around with the scale of items in the image. In addition, I think that I could experiment with some of the images by making some of them go off the edge to create some variety.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I think the professor could improve the assignment for the next class by possibly having more demonstrations of various backgrounds that could be used in the project. I feel like this is hard to do in digital media arts though because there have to be some requirements, but there also has to be a level of freedom to express one’s creativity. Another suggestion I would make would be to demonstrate more of the brushes and their respective effects in class so that students will be more aware of the options that are available to them for use in their own projects.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I might apply my knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios by using the techniques I have learned here to bring my visions to life. With this fundamental knowledge, I will be able to achieve the goals I am striving towards. For future assignments, I will implement techniques such as using layer masks combined with the brush tool to either reveal or hide parts of the image. I find this especially useful since there are times when I want to eliminate a specific section of the background from an image. As for work scenarios, I can use techniques such as creating a pattern to fill the background to market different items.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
In one of the in-class demonstrations, I learned how to create a pattern and I found this helpful as it taught me useful knowledge that I could use in my project. I used it to create a background out of text. In addition, I found a work of art that was posted on Behance when the word “composite” was searched for. It was an image of a wolf on Wall Street, but more importantly, the signs that were behind him inspired me. The words “ Wall Street” matched with the font that someone would find on a subway sign in New York City. I was inspired by the creative and clever use of text, and decided that I would also incorporate text into my image.