1. What did you learn?
I learned how to create a pattern in Adobe Illustrator and how to physically construct a milk carton after printing it out. I also learned the various fonts that I could use to create a visually appealing effect for certain designs.
2. What was easy?
I found that creating the swirls on top of the coffee cup was relatively easy. In addition, I thought that choosing a font for the “half and half” text was easy too. Lastly, I found that creating the middle of the coffee bean for the pattern was pretty simple.
3. What was challenging?
I found that creating the Byrne Dairy logo was challenging, especially when I had to use the pen tool to create the cow. I also found that folding the top of the milk carton was challenging as I had to avoid denting the sides of the milk carton in the process.
4. How could your submission be improved?
I think that my submission could be improved by using more vibrant colors on all the sides of the carton as well as in some of the text. I also think that I could experiment with creating a less geometric representation of the coffee cup and instead implement a more artistic representation using the brush tool.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
I think that the professor could improve the assignment for the next class by demonstrating more ways to make coffee cups, whether that be in the form of exploring more brushes or new shapes that could be used to create them.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I might apply my knowledge in future assignments by creating patterns for other projects. In terms of how I might apply my knowledge in future work scenarios, I will use the appropriate fonts and colors when creating a certain design.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
A specific video that helped me was the one that was put in the Google Slides for project 3 about constructing the package (milk carton). It helped me to understand where I should cut and fold, as well as where I should place the tape to hold the carton together effectively.

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