- What did you learn?
I learned about the different types of metaphors such as the fused metaphors and the pure metaphors from the Creitive reading assigned in class entitled “Bring out the power of metaphors!” I also learned that an individual can use uncompleted sentences to easily find metaphors in whatever sphere of work one is dealing with.
2. What was easy?
I found it fairly easy to remove the background of the woman with holding the sunflower in her mouth using the background remover plugin called “Remove BG.” I also found it easy to find icons representing beauty. The one I ultimately decided to go with was an icon of a lipstick.
3. What was challenging?
I found it challenging to find icons which would accurately represent pain. It took me a while to settle on the needle and the Band-Aid, but I thought those best portrayed the second half of the metaphor. I also found it challenging to find the right location to place the image of the woman in the frame.
4. How could your submission be improved?
My submission could be improved by incorporating more icons in the background to further emphasize the metaphor “Beauty is painful.” I could challenge myself to create another design for a metaphor that has the grammatical structure of “noun verb noun” instead of “noun, verb, adjective.”
5. How could I improve the assignment for next class?
I could improve the assignment for next class by challenging myself to create my own icon using the pen tool or doing a second design for a separate metaphor.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I might apply my knowledge in future assignments by being aware of how metaphors can effectively communicate power messages through my designs. As for future work scenarios, I can apply my knowledge by presenting designs to my boss that can reach customers and accurately represents the brand or company I am working for through the use of metaphors in design.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire you?
A specific reading inspired me by helping me to get my creative process going when I was brainstorming metaphors. It was entitled “Bring out the power of metaphors!” from Creitive and provided templates to help metaphors flow more easily. Some examples include “It’s like a ____.” and “Think of it as _______.” Both of these helped me to find ideas faster and therefore created the foundation for my designs more quickly.

“Beauty is Painful” Metaphor Design with Updated Pain Symbol (Medicine Pills)