- What did you learn?
I learned how to design a prototype for an augmented reality app. I also learned how to create a working interactive map and how to import videos into Figma using teams.
2. What was easy?
I found it easy to choose symbols to represent the five locations on campus I wanted to give a tour of. I also found it easy to decide on the color scheme of the app and design a fully functional directory.
3. What was challenging?
Making sure the timing of the arrows during each video was quite challenging. Furthermore, I found that making sure every noodle in the prototype went to the right frame was also challenging.
4. How could your submission be improved?
My submission could be improved by adding testimonials from students about how a certain location benefitted them during their time here at Canisius and why they love it.
5. How could I improve the assignment for the next class?
You could improve the assignment for the next class by teaching students how to code the effects and timing of the arrows instead of using the prototyping tool in Figma.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I might apply my knowledge in future assignments by using the same techniques I learned in this class, especially about prototyping, to the next app that I decide to design. For example, I could use my knowledge of how to create a map and apply it to the next project that I have. As for work scenarios, I can apply my knowledge by creating app prototypes for the company I will work at to enhance and add value to the mobile experience for their users.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
A specific reading that inspired me was the one from Bentley University entitled “The 10 Best AR Apps, That Aren’t Pokemon Go, Bringing Us to the Future” by Brian McDonald. It spoke of how companies like WayFair were allowing users to virtually place furniture in their environment and also uses image recognition to provide similar options. This inspired me to place arrows in my videos, similar to how Wayfair put furniture in the environments of users.
The project pitch asked for sketches or basic prototypes as well as inspiration or resources I will draw from. I provided the reading which served as inspiration for this project and attached sketches below.

Final Files
Here are the final files of my project.

Videos Paused

