DMA Project 3

What did you learn?: I learned about game design and how to work with 3D models.

What was easy?: Painting the terrain was easy because it was all in a downloadable package.

What was challenging?: Getting used to the software and controls to move around in Maya and Unity.

How could your submission be improved?: I could have done a better job and putting the “player” in the game. He’s slightly off the environment.

How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?: Spring Break and a cancelled class for tech difficulties sort of made the lectures difficult.

How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?: Being able to create and design a game/3D model could be a way to give me a leg-up in my Marketing/Communications field because it is apart of graphic design.

How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?: Reading the class instructions on how to create the game helped a lot.