Project 4 Post

What did I learn? I learned how to make a short film using Premiere. I also learned how to work with Garageband.

What was easy? The easy part was taking the videos and pictures.

What was challenging? The hardest part, for me, was definitely trying to express emotion in the video with random pictures and videos.

How could your submission be improved? More time making the music. That was my favorite part of the project. I think music plays a huge role in the emotion of the video so if I had more time to work on the song my video would have been better.

How could your professor improve the assignment? I don’t know.

How might you apply your knowledge to future projects or work scenarios? I think I can use my knowledge to make videos for people. I feel confident now I could make an awesome short film from vacations, hockey trips, etc.

How did a specific reading, video, or example inspire you? Honestly, the Instagram account; beeple_crap inspired me the most. Every day this guy or guy, I’m not sure, creates a beautifully detailed work of art. I thought to myself, “if this guy can do this every day – with so much detail, then I can do a cool movie once.”