- What did you learn? I learned how to use the rule of thirds when formatting words that are typed in different styles.
- What was easy? The easiest part was finding the fonts and which style texts would mix well with each other.
- What was challenging? The most challenging part of this assignment for me would have to be the rule of thirds. Where to put the words, how small or how large should I keep the texts.
- How could your submission be improved? I think I did really well with my submission. The only improvement I can think of is to fix up the pattern for one of my frames. I used a plug in to experiment and I couldve took more time and whited out inside the bubbled texts.
- How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? The professor did a good job on explaining the project and how to get around it all. No improvements necessary in this department.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? My knowledge of fonts may come in handy when it comes to making logos or making anything that requires texts.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? This website was really inspirational when working with texts and fonts.