This is the font I created using Fontstruct.com.
I learned about different types of fonts differentiate from each other. I also learned how to use the website Fontstruct to create my own font which was very exciting.
I think the easiest part about this project was learning about the types of fonts. I really liked the history of serifs, san serifs, monospaced, etc.
The most challenging part about this project was creating the font. The website had very limited shape and you had piece them together very specifically for it to look nice. I went through many trails in making this font. This was a font I made up called “kirby.” As you can see it was very inconsistent and I had trouble navigating the shapes and piecing them all together.

I could improve my submission by using a different software for making the font. I feel like using a brush tool on photoshop would’ve been easier than using fontstruct.
I think the professor can give us other alternatives on where we can create the font in.
I can apply my knowledge in future assignments because now if I want to personalize posters and campaigns I can create my own font for it!
This article helped me understand fonts a lot better! https://www.linkedin.com/advice/0/how-do-you-choose-right-fonts-font-sizes