What did you learn?
In this project I learned about color schemes and how important it is to stay consistent when choosing colors. You can change shades of a color and make it look different but adding a new color to the mix can be unappealing to one’s eye.
What was easy?
The easiest part was choosing the colors. The color wheel diagram really helped me stay consistent when choosing colors for each frame. I also liked how there wasn’t any restrictions in creativity, only in colors.
What was challenging?
The most challenging part of this project was definitely making the shapes that represent each setting. Like for example for the Arid Desert frame, I tried making a camel with the pen tool and it looks somewhat like a camel but it was very challenging.
How could your submission be improved?
My submission can be improved by me adding more background details. I feel like I was adding little details in front that I didn’t focus much on the background. But at the same time the colors are the focus of the backgrounds so shapes and details weren’t necessary.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
The professor can improve the assignment for next class by showing us maybe how to use the pen tool a little better. Although that wasn’t the takeaway from this project it still would’ve been helpful.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I will apply my knowledge of colors in future projects. I will try to keep a color scheme and not add in random colors just because I think they are pretty. I will use the color wheel rules (complimentary colors, split complementary colors, analogous, triadic).
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
This article is about colors and marketing. How certain colors impact one’s thought. A quote I liked from this article is “Is this color appropriate for what I’m selling?”