dma 214 project 2 reflection

Copy of DMA217 Fall 22 Syllabus

  • What did you learn?

I learned more about the colour wheel during this project. Especially about the specifics of tertiary colours. I also learned about the design aspects of foreground, middle ground, and background and their differences.

  • What was easy?

It was easy coming up with a design for the different landscapes like how I wanted my urban and extraterrestrial landscapes to look.

  • What was challenging?

Making sure I had all the criteria like the necessity for foreground and background and the necessity for all the aspects of the colour wheel.

  • How could your submission be improved?

Maybe adding smaller details to my design, but I would say I’m pretty proud with how this turned out.

  • How could I improve the assignment for the next class?

I think the assignment was well demonstrated in class, as well as the directions on the project sheet were pretty clear so I wouldn’t change much about this project honestly.

  • How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

Knowing more about the colour wheel is a vital aspect of being an art-based major and going into an art-based profession. I am sure I will need it probably for the rest of my life.

  • How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

Seeing examples from past students helped me get even more of an understanding of what was wanted in this project.

my project 2