Copy of DMA214 Syllabus Fall 2022

  • What did you learn?

I learned how to combine photos using different sources. I usually only use photoshop for this, but in the demo, I learned, although a slightly longer process, how to do this in Figma as well.

  • What was easy?

It was easy to digitally draw my own image and upload those to Photoshop and work there. Even though I am becoming quite familiar with Figma, I am still more comfortable in Photoshop, therefore this is where most of the work took place.

  • What was challenging?

What was challenging was converting the images and moving them to the desired resource (Photoshop and Figma) and making sure everything was places right where I wanted it.

  • How could your submission be improved?

I think if I spent more time editing the clock, and making the hues and saturation to match the wings more, that could improve the quality of the submission. However, I am proud of my submission.

  • How could I improve the assignment for the next class?

I think if there were a better understanding on how to convert images if they are downloaded as different files (like JPEG verses PNG), that would have made the process go a lot quick. However, I like the amount of time we got to work on this.

  • How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

I now know more ways to edit and combine photos, so I know that will come in handy later on as I continue to digitally design things.

  •  How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

Getting a better understanding of metaphors and that discussion and demo towards the beginning of the project was an extreme help. Also learning about the brain dump and word dump into the brainstorming helped as well.


My metaphor used was “Time Flies”. I found a picture of a clock I wanted to use online and then I took time to digitally draw the wings to my liking on Procreate. I then saved that file as JPEG and uploaded it digitally and then uploaded both images to Photoshop. I then edited the two images together, placing the wings together with the clock and once again saving them as a Photoshop file and converting it to a JPEG file. I then uploaded this combined image to Figma, where I edited the contrasts, highlights, and shadows, and then added the background.

original clock photo used

wings drawn personally and digitally in procreate
final edit from photoshop
final project from figma