Copy of DMA214 Syllabus Fall 2022
- What did you learn?
I learned the power of thirds in digital design and how to flatten words in order to change their shape in Figma. I also learned how to adjust the spacing between the actual lettering… don’t know how I didn’t know how to do that before!
- What was easy?
It was easy enough to come up with a grid design in my sketchbook, but I feel like that part is always easy.
- What was challenging?
It was challenging changing the shapes of the lettering exactly, to a T, how I wanted them. It got pretty frustrating at times. It was also challenging to come up with a specific design for each phrase and not repeat designs.
- How could your submission be improved?
I think my submission could be improved by using more vertical designs and not all horizontal ones. By this, I mean some of my words could have been written vertically. I also could have not stayed constricted in the frames, but I chose to do this because it looked neater to me.
- How could I improve the assignment for the next class?
I think the directions were pretty standard enough for me to understand.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
Using Typography to shape a future poster or something small like that, mainly because I don’t see myself using wording or words as much in the future unless I need to do it for school.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
Rewatching class videos is what got me through this project. It is hard to keep up sometimes, so getting refreshers on how certain things in Figma worked is always helpful.