This is a promo poster for the app with the QR code.

Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/iB6N8BsUVsr3QIWdnF9l3D/Covid-app?node-id=0%3A1
Maze: https://t.maze.design/23355425
The synthesis of this idea was “what you miss most during quarantine?”. The thing that I really missed was visiting museums, so I wanted to create an app where you could tour through several different museums in one place and find information on them when things open back up. A big influence on how this app operates was Google Arts & Culture. The issue that I found with Google’s product is that they focus more on artwork than tours of the actual galleries. Also, there is a bigger emphasis on art, where history and science museums are just as prevalent. One thing that I could do better next time is adding more animations in Figma to enhance the prototype. I feel that I did a better job of focusing on the function of the app as well as the design than I did on the last project. I also like the more simplistic design of this project because minimalism is something that I struggle to execute.