What did you learn?
This was my first time using Illustrator, so naturally, I was a bit out of my element here. I have used Photoshop in my Intro to DMA class, but we didn’t really learn how to edit real photos; mainly 2D graphics. So I learned a bit more about editing real photos and making patterns.
What was easy? What was challenging?
I found the Photoshop/Project portion of this really difficult. I had trouble creating my pattern and it didn’t turn out bad, but it didn’t function how I wanted it to.
How could your submission be improved?
I would try and make it more like my original vision. While my Figma file more closely resembled it– my photoshop file did not.

How could the professor improve this project for the next class?
I think the background portion itself wasn’t really necessary for this project. I think it could be applied to another project instead, and this could act as a course for just Photoshop instead.
How might you apply your knowledge to future assignments or work scenarios?
It certainly broadened my creativity when it comes to visual imagery. I could apply it to future assignments when I want to be creative with my imagery without the use of words.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?