What did you learn?
Well, I suppose I’ll use this as a way to summarize everything I’ve learned. For starters, I applied my knowledge of layouts to create a very packed stamp. There’s a lot going on in the stamps to keep your eyes occupied. Next, I used a color palette picker (coolors.co), but I feel like I ended up being really creative with the way I used my colors. For combining images, I used my knowledge to- well- combine the images. I wanted a modern look for my stamps so I used combining images and layout together. For typography, I picked a font I really like and used different techniques to make the text stand out.
What was easy? What was challenging?
I knew what I had in mind for the stamps– the problem was implementing them. I had sketched out my designs (see below), but I can’t say I really stuck to my sketches. I suppose the most challenging part was implementing my sketches into Figma.

How could your submission be improved?
I could use more variety in the stamp designs. Variety is something I struggle with, and I’ve been trying to get better at it. I could’ve thrown in more transparent imagery or included more images into certain stamps.
How could the professor improve the submission for the next class?
I think this project is fine.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
Well, I certainly learned a lot during this semester. So, I suppose I can apply a majority of it to designs. Deciding what font best conveys the message I want to type out, what color looks the best with the project I’m working on, how the layout affects the way people view things.