DMA 212

Lab 1-DMA 212

  • Compare your photo with the one from Unsplash. What are the differences? Why is one “better quality” than the other?
    • The photo I got from Unsplash is of a boxer, and the photo I took is a picture of my boxer. The picture from Unsplash is the one with better quality. The reason being is, my photo doesn’t have good lighting, the background is busy, and it was taken on my iPhone X, which doesn’t have the best quality after having it for two years. The Unsplash photo is deemed better quality because it has a plain/not busy background, the dog is in better focus, and the lighting is consistent. Another difference I came across while looking at the two was when zooming in; mine became pixelated in fewer zooms compared to the Unsplash photo. Although you can’t see it far away, you can tell that the one taken with a higher quality camera is better.
  • Compare your photos with the snapchat version. What are the differences? Why is one “better quality” than the other?
    • First, looking at the 3d object photos. I took a photo of this flower on Snapchat and my regular camera with the flash on for both. The one I took on my regular phone camera gave me a larger range of what to do with lighting, like focusing it on the center of the flower when Snapchat didn’t. For the regular camera one, it allowed me to focus on a specific point. The Snapchat one did not allow that. The one taken on the regular camera is better quality because when zooming in on both the Snapchat photo got pixelated faster than the regular photo. When zooming in, the color for the regular camera photo was much better; compared to the color on the Snapchat photo.
    • For the drawing photos, I found the same differences as above. On top of that, the flash distribution between the two was not the same.
    • Lastly, for the magazine photos, I found the same differences but for overall photo quality, the regular phone camera was good where the words on the ad were clear. But the words on the ad in the Snapchat photo were blurry. The color difference is also big compared to the two different cameras.
  • What could you do to improve the quality of the images acquired by each method?
    • I could try and go into photoshop and mess with the exposure, contrast, warmth, saturation, shadows, and highlights to fix the coloring issues. With the blurry issue, I can try and smooth out the areas that need it.