Hunting for type styles is not easy to do. You have to be very aware of your surroundings. I did not know that Target, a store I frequently go, used Helvetica type style. I have never even heard of this font type until last week. And then I find out my favorite store which I even worked used that type style.

Anyways, this is The Ordinary. They are a beauty brand that mostly focuses on skincare and skin health. I am obsessed with their toner solution. Most toners are harsh and alcohol smelling this is more refreshing and not drying. Its good for multiple body parts. I love it, I clearly need to get another soon.
The Ordinary uses the type style San Serif. This is a well know type style for its clean look. It looks especially good the way this brand decided to style it to fit them.
I like this style because The Ordinary is a skincare brand. When I think of skin I think of flawless, clear and bright. From the image you can see that this brand does not add any other pictures or designs onto their products to give that clear skin look. One that many try so hard to achieve. They type style and the presentation of it is telling us that it is achievable.