I have always loved Jim Carrey and the way he really gets into the character. Every character he has ever played has always had a mischievous personality or playful comedic personality.
For this project I decided to take that idea and use it in the film The Mask which Jim Carrey stars in.

Every time he wears the mask he becomes a different person. The magical mask that Stanley Ipkiss, the character Jim Carrey plays in the film, his life is boring. He’s a bank teller and the mask makes him more outgoing but also mischievous. With that in mind, I did that with the words.

I made them purposely not sit straight because they are in my mind being defiant or being troublemakers.
What I learned during this project was learning Illustrator more. I got to play more with the direct selection tool and the selection outline tool as well. The easy part was just coming up with the concept of what to do with the words. What was challenging about the project was figuring everything out and having to undo something if I messed up.
I am not really sure how this submission can be improved. The assignment does not need improving, it gives enough space for creativity and learning experience to fail and improve.
Overall, I enjoyed the project because it gave me the space to redesign a poster that could have been better if given the chance.