For project 3 I explored the history of one of the most famous typefaces in history. Times New Roman was created by Stanley Morison. He did not know how to read or write for a long time before he realized that he like typefaces and wanted to create his own.

What was easy about this assignment is coming up with the idea of the project. Everything else was difficult. I knew I wanted to do a newspaper but it was hard to do it without a lot of InDesign background. I tried following a couple different videos but with not a lot of information that I gave it was not the best use of space.

If I could redo this assignment I would make it look more like a modern newspaper but with the older paper elements. Mostly color and making the images black and white.
Overall, I would defiently redo this assignment if I had the chance. It could have came out a lot nicer if I took my time and truly learn the ins and outs of InDesign. That is the best part of digital arts it is all a learning process. You can make something once but you always learn something new to update that old project.