For project 2 I got to design my own merchandise. I got to pick and decide what I wanted to make my own designs based on what fan base I like. The reason I said kind of is because I had already designed stickers for the sticker contest for the Unity club. I did not print my own designs but they were still something I created. The most interesting part of this project that I learned was the process of screen printing or silk printing.
It was definitely something I had never done before and something I wish I could do again. My favorite part was making a mess with the ink.

The most difficult part of the project was coming up with the ideas for my sticker sheet. I had done three different ideas and the final one was ok. I wish I had an idea that I could have stuck with through and through. I would have probably loved the stickers even more.

For this project I would improve how I scaled my design for the t-shirt. It was definitely too small. Also on the black t-shirt because (I wanted to see what the design would look like on two different color shirts) I used red ink I am assuming that was the issue why it did not show up as bright on the black shirt than the white shirt.