DMA370: Designing for mobile devices Emily Scherer
Category: Uncategorized
Project 2: Mobile development
DMA370: Designing for mobile devices
Project 1: Music player
DMA 370: Designing for mobile devices
Project 4: Infographics
DMA212: 2D Graphics Emily Scherer I learned how to make a banner for the town banner, I didn’t know how to make the formation of it before this project and I feel like it will be beneficial in the future. I also learned how to make the road from the stroke and then getting rid… Continue reading Project 4: Infographics
Project 3: Package design
DMA212: 2D Graphics Emily Scherer 1. What did you learn? I learned how to create a pattern and put it in my project on illustrator because I didn’t know how to do that before and don’t have much experience on illustrator because I usually use Photoshop more. I also learned how to do the logo… Continue reading Project 3: Package design
Project 2: Image compositing/screensavers
DMA212: 2D graphics Emily Scherer 1. What did you learn? I learned how to cover backgrounds and all the different ways you can do that. There were many different tools you can use to get rid of the background of a photo and it was easy to figure out. I also learned that if you… Continue reading Project 2: Image compositing/screensavers
Project 1: Portfolio
DMA 212: 2D Graphics Emily Scherer This project made me learn a lot about photoshop. I was a beginner before this project and had no clue how to use any of the tools. I struggled at the beginning but I learned so much and am able to say that I am comfortable with photoshop because… Continue reading Project 1: Portfolio
Project 2: Design an app for social distancing
DMA217 Emily Scherer learned how to add more animation to the frame and app than I did in the first one. I learned how to use smart animate and how to use fewer frames with the new feature and using my design system to make it easier for me to make the design and… Continue reading Project 2: Design an app for social distancing
Project 4: Typography
DMA214 Emily Scherer Cuisine: I used the typefaces Sacramento and Barlow/Barlow condensed because I thought they paired well together and wanted my word cuisine to look fancy and then the other words to be pretty basic. Sports: I used the typefaces Tangerine and Josefin Sans because the same thing I said above, I wanted the… Continue reading Project 4: Typography
Project 3: Image
DMA214 Emily Scherer Metaphor: Apple of my eye I learned from this project how to combine two pictures in a creative way. I had to think outside the box and not just stick with a simple design. It got me out of my comfort zone and forced me to use photoshop and not just stick… Continue reading Project 3: Image