DMA 212

Lab 4: Textures from Scratch/Photos

Texture from Photos
Texture from Scratch

Reflection: I learned a lot during this lab. Before this lab, I was unaware of these many techniques to make textures. I didn’t know I could create cloud or brushed metal textures. These are quite cool features, as I can now create images from essentially just pixels. This is helpful when creating backgrounds. It was easy to create the gradients, as I did this in DMA 201 last semester. However, it was challenging t0 do the shape/gradient combo, as I could not get the marching ants to work originally. However, I ended up figuring it out, so it was okay in the end. My submission could be improved if the sweatshirt material from my photos did not has any many color variations. The professor could not improve the assignment, it went very well. The D2L step-by-step instructions worked very well for me. I could apply this knowledge to the future, as I can now make my own textures. This will be helpful for creating backgrounds.