Project #1: “Principles of Gestalt” Reflection




  1. What did you learn?

For this project, I learned how to manipulate different sorts of primitive shapes to create detailed, complex objects. At first it was difficult, but it really forces you to be innovative and experiment. Once I got the hang of it, I was able to construct unique pieces that I would then try to implement into each scene, fulfilling the principle at hand.

2. What was easy?

Nothing in this project was necessarily easy per say, but I think the concept I had to least amount of time learning was the process of duplicating/layering shapes, which saves a ton of time in the long run.

3. What was challenging?

The hardest task of this project was by far trying to entail Gestalt’s principles while using all kinds of shapes. The abstract set was tricky as you couldn’t make every object look realistic, as that would defeat the purpose. Instead, I gave it my best go and attempted to maintain a dynamic style, and not go too overboard with things, all while keeping the corresponding principle in mind. This allows for the frame to catch that sense of ingenuity, but also have a way of representing said principle.

4. How could your submission be improved?

I think that repetition and similarity (the last two frames in the Representative section) were not easy by any means. I felt like I could’ve done a bit more with both. I also think they don’t completely relate to their principle, which is something I had trouble layering out for this part. Everything else seems to appear fine to me and I’m quite satisfied on how this turned out.

5. How could I improve the assignment for the next class?

For the next class, I feel like making use of more shapes via combining and layering, would definitely provide the essence of creativity, but I think that for now it has enough to tell that I didn’t just stick to using stock shapes.

6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

For assignments in the future, I will keep working on my “merging” technique for shapes to build notional objects. Also, I will try to make use of keeping in mind that “it doesn’t have to look perfect”, mainly referring to symmetry. I understand that having things lined up and parallel seems to give it a cleaner look, but I can see that this could hold you back from developing peculiar designs.

7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

For my nursery rhyme of choice, “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”, I didn’t find any video or reading to be super helpful, but I did find some images on Google that managed to fuel my imagination for creating the star in the last frame of the Abstract set. I didn’t copy the design entirely from the image, but it served as a starting point in which I could build off of.