This project taught me how to make a proper menu, especially since I went with a more complex design. This design incorporated five colors and multiple folds. What did you learn? I learned that creating a menu involves using mathematical skills to determine where lines should be placed to either cut or fold the paper.… Continue reading Project 1
Project 4: Infographics
1. What did you learn? I learned how to create a town banner for my map, how to make a compass rose, and how to make a road with a dashed line. 2. What was easy? I think that labeling the roads and choosing the font color and size was relatively easy. I also thought… Continue reading Project 4: Infographics
Lab 6: Image Tracing
Compare the versions (the traced logo, the one you did by hand, and the original logo, the one you used with the image trace). Which one is better quality? What are the differences and improvements you see? Why? How do you feel given that the one you did improves upon the one that was using… Continue reading Lab 6: Image Tracing
Project 3 Reflection
1. What did you learn? I learned how to create a pattern in Adobe Illustrator and how to physically construct a milk carton after printing it out. I also learned the various fonts that I could use to create a visually appealing effect for certain designs. 2. What was easy? I found that creating the… Continue reading Project 3 Reflection
Project 2
1. What did you learn? I learned how to use techniques that were demonstrated in lab four to create a design of my own in project two. For example, I learned how to create a pattern using an image, and because I had this knowledge, I was able to create my own pattern out of… Continue reading Project 2
Project 1: Sarah’s College Essentials
1. What did you learn? I learned how to use levels, curves, and saturation to edit photos, as well as how to create full, web, and thumbnail size images. I learned that the standard size for web images is 1920 x 1080 and that the index.html file allows for one to view the thumbnail files… Continue reading Project 1: Sarah’s College Essentials
Lab 3
Which method did you prefer? Why? I preferred the method that was used on the banana with the pen tool because I think it selected the object pretty quickly with little adjustments having to be made. I liked that the direct selection tool was so easy to use in getting rid of areas that were… Continue reading Lab 3
Lab 2
Please refer to D2L for the zipped images folder. I cropped my sunset photo to remove excessive imagery, added a levels adjustment layer, added a curves adjustment layer, and applied the unsharp mask.There were some birds at the bottom of the image that I used the clone tool to get rid of. I created a… Continue reading Lab 2
Lab 1 Post
1. Compare your photo with the one from Unsplash. What are the differences? Why is one”better quality” than the other? The differences are that the photo from Unsplash has a higher resolution, especially with the waves. When I zoomed in on mine, the waves were blurrier than the one from Unsplash. The lighting was better… Continue reading Lab 1 Post
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