DMA 212

Project 4: Infographic

My Map:


  • What did you learn?
    • I learned how to use the live paint bucket, how to do different strokes on lines (dashed, solid, double lines, etc.), and how to make a banner.
  • What was easy?
    • It was easy picking my color scheme since I picked it out for one of our labs. I liked the colors, and I knew that I wanted to have the ability to have a range of dark and bright colors that would pop out.
  • What was challenging
    • It was challenging picking the location for me to do my map on. I had a lot of ideas of where I wanted to base mine on, but I couldn’t find all the locations in one area that I was familiar with.
  • How could your submission be improved?
    • I could improve my submission by maybe labeling the subway lines. I didn’t do so in this project because some lines do have more than one train running on them, and I didn’t want the map to look too clustered since a lot of my symbols are already close to each other due to it being the city.
  • How could I improve the assignment for the next class?
    • I don’t think anything needs to be improved for the next class.
  • How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
    • I’ll apply my knowledge in the future by using the live paint bucket as a first resort instead of trying to make individual objects/sections and filling them in when the paint bucket is much easier and faster. I’ll also keep in mind the steps we learned to make our banner in case I want to make one for a future project or job to make a nice title or banner to present to my peers.
  • How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
    • I used our class session videos and examples given in our PowerPoint slide as inspiration and help for me to complete this project. The examples in the PowerPoint slide helped me decide on what location to base my map on and what my symbols should look like. I looked at what other students did and decided what kind of look I wanted to go for with my theme. Our class session videos helped a lot when it came to learning how to do the basic things like making dashed lines, the scale, and the compass.