Doing project 2 made me realize how I should have really thought about my collection of photos in project 1 and had not just picked random photos. I liked doing this project because I felt a bit more free with my creativity with this one.
What challenged me with this project was figuring out how to put my images together. I thought my images were random which some of them were, but I managed to pick some that actually work. What was easy about the this project was actually doing it. I had a lot of fun rearranging the images and color matching them to one another.
If the photos from the first project were better selected then I think that this project could have turned out a lot better.

If the projects were not linked together then it would have made this project much more enjoyable for me. I wouldn’t have mind taking new photos specifically for this project at all.
I am glad I could do this project because I had a lot of fun with it. Even though its probably not my best work I still enjoyed making it.