Project 4

  • For this project I learned how to create a mini movie using Premiere and some sound mixing using Garage band.
  • It was easy to put the actual video clips together as I’ve made movies before using iMovie and other programs like that, I enjoyed the refresher as I haven’t done it in a while.
  • For me the most challenging part of this project was using garage band, I’ve never used it before and am not very musically inclined so my audio file is a bit subpar to be honest. I enjoyed working with it though and would totally play with it more in the future.
  • I’d say my submission could be improved by playing with Garage band a bit more and having a bit more confidence in terms of sound mixing instead of going with the easier route.
  • I really enjoyed this project and felt like we had a sufficient amount of time to play with and complete it. I don’t think anything needs to be changed for it.
  • I could use both the experience with Garage band and Premiere to put projects together for my friends with businesses or things like that.
  • I took last spring semester off to travel and during those 3 months I spent a month in Thailand doing service work with rehabbed elephants and orphans in a remote part of Thailand helping them learn English and helping to construct a new building for them using environmentally friendly materials. I miss it a lot and that’s what inspired me to make this project about the happiness I experienced in Thailand.

Project 3

  • For this project we learned how to start and make a very simple video game with a maze concept. We learned how to start the terrain. adding assists, and adding the first person character camera.
  • I truthfully did not find anything easy about this project and struggled with even the simplest things, such as creating a terrain in the first place.
  • I found everything to be challenging, I had a particularly hard time getting assists to work and enabling the first person character camera.
  • My submission could be improved by having more time to work on the submission, and going through everything slower instead of trying to keep up when I had no idea what was going on half the time.
  • I think it could be improved by allowing for more time to complete it, I felt very rushed as it was a lot more complicated than any of the past projects we’ve done so far.
  • I truthfully probably couldn’t apply what I’ve learned to future work or projects, I feel as though I could be capable of doing it if I completely started over and went slower when learning it instead of rushing it just to get a grade in.
  • I thought a lot about the past video games I’ve played to create the landscape, with tall mountains and a cool path with lots of trees.

Project 2

  • For project 2 I learned a variety of things, the first was being introduced to coding. I then learned how to add images, edit the text, edit the color of the header, footer, text and background as well as adding in a new font.
  • For me, the only easy thing was really editing the text. It wasn’t an easy project but I got the hang of it fairly quickly.
  • The most challenging part for me, as dumb as it sounds was connecting to the H drive and getting started in the first place.
  • I would improve my submission by becoming more knowledgable about code and coding. I loved the intro and would love to go more in depth with coding.
  • I think it was easy to understand and manipulate and therefore I really think this was a great intro to HTML that doesn’t need to be improved.
  • I could use this information to go further with a more coding focused class or possibly do some simple editing in the work place or just for fun.
  • I used the format I had for my previous resume to inspire me for this project. I had to create a CVS to submit in order to get an internship in Australia and the format was a different one that I usually see for resumes in the US. I used that uniqueness in design and language to help me create this project.

Project 1

  • For this project I learned a number of things, I’m already decently familiar with photoshop so it really wasn’t too bad to complete in the first place. I learned how to make a text appear on path as well as adding a new font to use in text.
  • It was fairly easy for me to complete, I play around with photoshop for fun at home so I was already used to a number of the things required.
  • The challenging part for me was doing an artboard as well as printing it in a card format as I had never done either of these things before.
  • I could improve my submission by may adding more on the inside of the card, especially the left side of the inside.
  • I truthfully do not think much, if anything, needs to be improved about the assignment in the future. It was a great into to photoshop and how to use very basic tools within the program.
  • I use photoshop for fun, as well as helping friends with logos or designs, I will definitely be using the path on text in the future for those side projects in the future.
  • I thought about Hocus Pocus and the cat theme from that film to help inspire my card.