DMA 212

Project 4: Infographic

My Map: Reflection: What did you learn? I learned how to use the live paint bucket, how to do different strokes on lines (dashed, solid, double lines, etc.), and how to make a banner. What was easy? It was easy picking my color scheme since I picked it out for one of our labs. I […]

DMA 212

Project 3: Packaging Design

Packaging: Reflection: What did you learn? I learned how to design packaging while using a template, so I can properly place all the elements of the design. So when it is printed; and the package is constructed, it turns out how it’s supposed to. Along with that so nothing gets cut off, and everything is […]

DMA 212

Project 2: Screensavers

Screensavers: Reflection: What did you learn? I learned how to use gradients to get rid of the edge of pictures that we do not want to see instead of using the pen tool. When using a gradient to incorporate a different photo or object into something that is already there, it makes it feel like […]

DMA 212

Project 1: Portfolio

Pictures: Here are some of my favorite pictures that I took Reflection: What did you learn? I learned how to effectively edit photos to make them look presentable and how to present them in three different forms; normal size, thumbnail, and print. I also learned how to manipulate the look of a picture through the […]

DMA 212

Lab 1-DMA 212

Compare your photo with the one from Unsplash. What are the differences? Why is one “better quality” than the other? The photo I got from Unsplash is of a boxer, and the photo I took is a picture of my boxer. The picture from Unsplash is the one with better quality. The reason being is, […]